Calls for Expression of Interest

Restructuring, Made in Greece, 4IR, Debt Funds*

In the framework of the Development Strategy of the Ministry of Economy and Development, the Hellenic Development Bank of Investments (HDBI, ex “TANEO”) implements a €700 million (public contribution) investment program in four actions, aiming to mobilize more than € 1 billion for investments in SMEs. HDBI hereby invites all interested investors and fund managers who intend to set up Venture Capital Mutual Funds (Amoivaia Kefalaia Epicheirimatikon Symmetochon) or Venture Capital Companies (Etairies Kefalaiou Epicheirimatikon Symmetochon) or similar venture capital entities operating under the laws of a European Union member state to submit proposals for the participation of HDBI in such schemes.

* 16/07/22 – Expiry of the ‘Debt Fund’ Call

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