Process of Submission and Evaluation of Investment Proposals for Indirect Investments


HDBI examines and processes investment proposals applying for HDBI’s participation in investment vehicles that operate in Greece according to the following procedure, which may be modified according to the specific requirements of HDBI’s programs and the relevant expressions of interest that HDBI publishes from time to time.

Any interested person or legal entity who currently manages or who intends to set up and manage investment schemes in accordance with national and EU law has the right to submit an expression of interest.

HDBI analyzes and evaluates investment proposals using objective professional criteria in accordance with international reporting standards (Invest Europe, ILPA, etc.) through an open, transparent and non-discriminatory process, in accordance with applicable EU and national law. Applicants should at minimum provide all of the following information duly substantiated as well as meet all of the following selection criteria that reflect the market and international standard requirements in order to determine their operation at market terms.

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