Documents submitted jointly for the Manager and the Manager Team

  1. Offeror’s Statutes (where applicable)
  2. Shareholder structure and composition of the Offeror (and the proposed Manager, if other than the Offeror)
  3. Identification documents of the shareholders/persons exercising control and of the management executives of the Offeror (and the proposed Manager, if other than the Offeror)
  4. Identification documents of the investment scheme management team members [if different from the persons indicated under (3)]
  5. Resumes of the shareholders/persons exercising control and of the management executives of the Offeror (and the proposed Manager, if other than the Offeror)
  6. Resumes of the management team members [if different from the persons indicated under (5)]
  7. Excerpt of the criminal record of the shareholders/persons exercising control and of the management executives of the Offeror (and the proposed Manager, if other than the Offeror)
  8. Excerpt of the criminal record of the Investment Scheme management team members [if different from the persons indicated under (7)]
  9. Legalisation documents of Offeror’s representative authorising him/her to submit the Expression of Interest on behalf of the Offeror