- Offeror’s Statutes (where applicable)
- Shareholder structure and composition of the Offeror (and the proposed Manager, if other than the Offeror)
- Identification documents of the shareholders/persons exercising control and of the management executives of the Offeror (and the proposed Manager, if other than the Offeror)
- Identification documents of the investment scheme management team members [if different from the persons indicated under (3)]
- Resumes of the shareholders/persons exercising control and of the management executives of the Offeror (and the proposed Manager, if other than the Offeror)
- Resumes of the management team members [if different from the persons indicated under (5)]
- Excerpt of the criminal record of the shareholders/persons exercising control and of the management executives of the Offeror (and the proposed Manager, if other than the Offeror)
- Excerpt of the criminal record of the Investment Scheme management team members [if different from the persons indicated under (7)]
- Legalisation documents of Offeror’s representative authorising him/her to submit the Expression of Interest on behalf of the Offeror